Greg Platzer is the bomb when it comes to all things electric guitar. He has and still works with some of the most notable guitarist in the biz. I met him at NAMM years ago and we became guitars buddies. Here is his web site ( Check him out is outrageously awesome! I sent my blonde tele that was a gift from Danny Shay in New York and also my sunburst Fender road worn that Bill Cumminsky (head of Fender at that time) gave me. The blonde “Shay” tele Greg outfitting with pickup from Carondelet ( that he special ordered for my guitars. Bonde tele will have a split coil humbucker at the bridge and a hum at the rhythm position. My Fender Worn will be set up as a stratocaster with a spit coil hum at the bridge, a single coil in the middle and single coil in the rhythm position. Both guitars will scream like crazy no doubt. I can’t wait to get back from Detroit sessions, put the necks back on and try them out. The pickups in the pic are considered zebras.